Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Candied Carrots

This is a recipe that My Mother would ALWAYS make for Holiday Dinners. (honestly the only way I would eat cooked carrots) If you have kids that are stingy about eating vegetables then you must try this recipe. What kid doesn't love brown sugar and butter? And if that doesn't work you can always try what My Grandma May would tell us..."Carrots make you eyes sparkle" I can tell you My Brother ALWAYS ate his carrots...and spent many hours in front of our bathroom mirror watching his eyes *SPARKLE*

1 lb of Baby Cut Carrots
3 TBSP of Melted Butter

3 TBSP of Light Brown Sugar


Step One
Place Carrots in a pot and cover with cold water.
Place the pot on the stove over Hi heat. Bring to a boil. Once brought to a boil, boil for about 10-12 minutes until fork tender. (You do not want to over cook them to a mushy stage. They will cook longer in the oven.) Once fork tender strain in a strainer.
Step Two
Now take you 3 TBSP of Butter (melt it first) and 3 TBSP of Light Brown Sugar and add to a shallow 9 inch square baking dish. (You want the carrots to be in a single layer.)
Mix the Brown Sugar and Butter together.
Add the strained carrots and using a spatula fold the carrots around in the brown sugar and butter mixture.

Step Three
Cover with tin foil (so the carrots can continue to steam and finish cooking in the brown sugar and butter.) And bake at 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes.

(If you are making these with your Thanksgiving meal when you remove your Turkey from the oven to rest, this is when you will put you carrots and Au Gratin Green Bean Casserole in the oven)

Step Four
After 25 - 30 minutes in the oven remove from the oven and remove the tin foil (CAREFULLY the steam can burn you) Stir the carrots around to coat them with the brown sugar and butter...
...And Serve!

I hope you and your family enjoy this recipe for you next Holiday or Family dinner. I know how much my family loves it! You can follow me here on blogspot or on Pinterest to stay up to date with all my recipes!

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