Saturday, November 17, 2012

Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie

This is my recipe for my (Semi No Bake) Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie. I come from a family that LOVES chocolate and peanut butter...ME...Not so much. But this pie is so lite and fluffy even I love it! I will post exactly the ingredients that I used but you can ABSOLUTELY use low fat and sugar free items to make this a healthier dessert.


1 Chocolate Pie Crumb Crust               [You can make your own this is just fast, easier and less mess]
4oz of Cream Cheese (1/2 the block)   [Can use low fat/fat free]
1 cup of Peanut Butter
1 cup of Powdered Sugar
1 Vanilla Pudding Cup                          [Can use sugar free]
16oz of Cool Whip Extra Creamy        [Can use low fat/fat free] (DO NOT USE HOMEMADE)
2 Sugar Free Chocolate Pudding Cup  [Can use regular or sugar free]

Directions and Photos

 Step One
Bake Pie Crust in a 350 degree over for 5-7 minutes.
Remove Pie Crust from oven (and that is ALL the baking for this pie) and let cool to room temperature while making the filling.
Step Two
Take the 4oz of Cream Cheese and cream together with 1 cup of Peanut Butter on medium speed until well combined.
Once combined, scrape down the sides of the bowl with a spatula.
Step Three
Add 1/2 of Powdered Sugar and mix on low until well combined. Then add the other 1/2 of Powdered Sugar and mix on low again until combined.

This is what the batter should look like at this point a little on the crumbly side.
Step Four
Now add 1 Vanilla Pudding Cup to the batter.
Mix on medium speed until combined. The batter should become a little creamier for you at this point.
Step Five
Add half the container of Cool Whip to the batter and mix on medium speed until well combined.
Now add the rest (other half) of the Cool Whip and mix on high (whipping level on my mixer) for 2 minutes to make the batter whipped, lite and fluffy.
This is the finished batter...but NOT the finished product! :-)
Step Six
Now take you cooled Pie Crust from earlier.
Add half of the Peanut Butter Mixture to cooled Pie Crust.
Step Seven
Take a coffee cup or small cup and a sandwich bag. Put hand on the inside of the bag and place in the cup, then wrap edges of bag around the top of the cup/mug. This will hold the bag so you can add the chocolate pudding.
Add the 2 Chocolate Pudding in the bag.
Pull the bag out of the cup and twist at the top to keep the air out. Snipe 1/4 an inch off the corner of the bad. You will use this to pipe the Chocolate Pudding on the pie.

Now just pipe the Chocolate Pudding around in a swirl. I started on the outside and worked my way in, then kept swirling from the inside to the outside of the pie. When you cut the pie it will show the swirls.(Do not use all of the pudding you will need some for the design on top)

Step Eight
Now take the other half of the Peanut Butter mixture...
...And lay it on top of the Chocolate Pudding swirls. You want to lay it on rather than spread so you keep the swirls there.
Once you have laid the Peanut Butter mixture on top to completely cover the Chocolate Pudding swirls,use your spatula to smooth the top of the pie...
Step Nine
Now take the rest of you Chocolate pudding and do a little design on top.

You may not use all of the Chocolate Pudding...which happens to be my daughter FAVORITE part of Mommy making a Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie!

The extra Chocolate Pudding may be my daughters favorite part but my favorite part...this is ALL I have to clean up!

Place your pie in the fridge and let chill/set for 2 hours and serve.
If after 2 hours in the fridge you don't plan on serving it, take the plastic cover that came with the Pie Crust, cover the pie and place it back in the fridge!
Step Ten
Serve it up...
I hope you and your Family enjoy this recipe as much as mine does! Different pie to serve on Thanksgiving Day (and any other day for that matter) for those people that don't like the traditional Thanksgiving pies! Stay tuned to my blog or Pinterest for some of my other Thanksgiving Day Favorites!

Step By Step Cooking with Lisa on Pinterest

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